Lab1 - 2 Open Sources Packages
Hello everyone here is my two open sources project that I am going to discuss are as follow : Firefox Brower and VLC player. Firefox Browser The License that Firefox Brower has is MPL. MPL is Mozilla public license. and under Mozilla with the current version of 2.0(html|plan text). Process for submitting an patch: Step 1 is every change to the code is tracked by a bug report in Without a bug, code will not be reviewed, and without review, code will not be accepted. Step2 is the patch is going to be commit to the version control and every patch should be submitted in the single complete change, separating distinct changes into multiple individual patches. And check that commit message is there. Step3 is for testing the patch that has been reported. Most of the changes are done using automated test and the code is change. There is also a static analysis going on with JavaScript for the best practices and comm...