
Showing posts from September, 2022

Lab1 - 2 Open Sources Packages

 Hello everyone here is my two open sources project that I am going to discuss are as follow : Firefox Brower and VLC player. Firefox Browser  The License that Firefox Brower has is MPL. MPL is Mozilla public  license. and under Mozilla with the current version of 2.0(html|plan text). Process for submitting an patch: Step 1  is every change to the code is tracked by a bug report in Without a bug, code will not be reviewed, and without review, code will not be accepted. Step2 is the patch is going to be commit to the version control and every patch should be submitted in the single complete change, separating distinct changes into multiple individual patches. And check that commit message is there. Step3 is for testing the patch that has been reported. Most of the changes are done using automated test and the code is change. There is also a static analysis going on with JavaScript for the best practices and comm...


 In lab 3 we need create the game using 6502 and have to perform some task for that. Here by I have created the game called Maze where we need to find the path to the end of the last part. So here we are using the arrow keys to move up and down and also across. At the start there will some instruction and also when u completed there will be comment that u have won . More over the Maze code that created the maze is in the 05 and 01 which has this output. Here the code  ; zero-page variables  define  ROW     $20 ; current row  define  COL     $21 ; current column  define  DRAWN_ROW   $22 ; number of drawn rows  define  MAZE_LENGTH      $14 ; a pointer that points to where the maze will   define  MAZE_HEIGHT      $15 ; be drawn  define  PLAYER_LENGTH    $10 ; a pointer that points to the player in the         ...

Lab2 - 6502 Assembly Language Lab(Calculation)

 In this lab we need to find how much is time need to complete the process of code. So here we need to find the number of the cycles that are need to complete the process of one line of code to processed. So as shown in photo  The load accumulator need two cycle to complete the process and only one time this code is run. After that store accumulator will run and same as load accumulator it will run ones with two cycle. After all the function will be run as shown above but when the loop will be there t process will be change there are 256 bytes in one page and there are total 4 page to this will run 12 time and as shown above it will be executed.  And the time will be 5935us when there was 1Mhz clock speed is there. To change the speed we need to make change like we need to change the loop of pages to only one  which can change the part of time but I am not able to make that one. 

Lab2 - 6502 Assembly Language Lab(Modifying code)

 In the course Software Portability and Optimization we have given a code that is for 6502 Assembly language and we need to modify it and get the outcomes as follows:      1) Change the code to fill the display with light blue instead of yellow.           For this it is were simple to do it as we just change LDA #$07 to LDA #$0E which is a binary code for changing the yellow colour to light blue. As we now that lda means that something is going to loaded in accumulator and we are passing the command for colour to change to light blue.      2) Change the code to fill the display with a different colour on each page.          For this one in simple word we need to make four loop as they will make the part or page with different color. As shown in class with the simple code like loading a byte with some color in  y and then store it in byte after that it is incremented and make the...